
Using Digital Tools to Amplify Critical Thinking

Page history last edited by Ellen Maddin 5 years, 5 months ago

SoTL 2019 Conference Presentation



Using carefully selected digital tools, instructors can shape learning environments to amplify cognition and engage students in deeper and more satisfying learning experiences. Learners construct meaning through interactions with others, interactions with their environment, and interactions with the things (artifacts) and technologies they use to learn (Kirsch, 2006). Bell and Winn (2000) explored the role of tools in distributed cognition, positing that tools might be chosen to amplify cognition. Zhang and Ge (2006) discussed the nature and complexity of the team task as a key factor in planning learning experiences. Technology enables distributed cognition by making thinking visible to the group (as an entity) and to individuals within the group. By making thinking visible, cognitive processes are accelerated. This presentation explores the use of web-based tools for collaborative concept-mapping, video discussion, storytelling, and idea sharing on virtual graffiti walls.


Bell, P., & Winn, W. (2000). Distributed cognitions, by nature and by design. In Jonassen, D.H. & Land, S.M. (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of learning environments, pp. 123-145. Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum.


Kirsch, J. (2006). Distributed cognition. Pragmatics and cognition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Zhang, K., & Ge, X. (2006). The dynamics of online collaboration: Team task, team development, peer relationship, and communication media. In Managing learning in virtual settings: The role of context (pp. 98-116). IGI Global.

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