
Telling Digi-tales

Page history last edited by Ellen Maddin 9 years, 9 months ago


Digital Storytelling



Through digital storytelling, the ancient art of storytelling merges with powerful technology to propel critical and creative thinking in students. There are many educational uses of digital storytelling.  As students develop digital stories, they participate in a process that includes brainstorming, researching, organizing, developing, and publishing.  


Digital story-telling allows students to construct and share knowledge.  It is both a means of empowering voice in individuals and a pathway to building communities of shared ideas and learning.  The Center for Digital Storytelling is an excellent website to visit to experience digital stories and read case studies about this medium of expression.  You can explore the entire community or focus specifically on stories in the Education community.


Digital storytelling is a natural extension of project-based learning.    Through story-telling, students are able to synthesize what they've learned and reflect on the learning process.  Bernard Robin and his colleagues at the University of Houston have created a digital-storytelling website to provide illustrations, guidance and examples to educators who want to explore this topic. A team of researchers from the university presented research findings in March 2011.  The digital storytelling process engages learners in research and critical thinking.


Let's begin by looking at some examples of digital stories.  


Are you ready to begin using digital storytelling in your classroom?  The resources below will help you get started.  Click on a link to begin.



  • Prezi (same content, different delivery) 


















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