
Engaging Readers and Writers with Digital Storytelling

Page history last edited by Ellen Maddin 12 years, 2 months ago

Digital Storytelling.pdf


Providing an environment that encourages children to compose and illustrate stories strengthens literacy and increases reading confidence.  Research suggests that building stories through pictures helps children to generate and clarify their ideas (Olshansky, 2006; Hobson, 2002).  Digital tools allow learners to draw their own illustrations, select story art that inspires them, or capture and arrange photographs.  With digital tools, students can add text and record their own voices telling the story.  Adding a music soundtrack contributes to the dramatic effect and allows young writers to portray mood. 


Many digital story-telling tools are friendly and intuitive, making them appropriate choices for early elementary learners.  Cartoon generators, which help students to develop plot and characterization, encourage students to imagine dialogue.  Often, what struggling writers need most is help with planning their stories (McCutchen, 2006).  Digital storytelling programs incorporate storyboards and other organizing tools to assist young writers in planning and constructing.


OKI Presentation:  Engaging Readers and Writers with Digital Storytelling


Media Resources for Digital Storytelling


Resources for Lesson Planning and Project Implementation




Hobson, E. (2002).  Teaching the language that I/my students see.  In K.S. Fleckenstein, L. T. Calendrillo, & D.A. Worley (Eds.), Language and image in the reading-writing classroom (pp. 105-118).  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


McCuthchen, , D. (2006). Cognitive factors in the development of children's writing.  In C.A. MacArthur, S. Graham, & Fitzgeralds (Eds.), The handbook of wirting research (pp. 115-13).  New York:  The Guilford Press.


Olshansky, B. (1994).  Making writing a work of art:  Image-making within the writing process, Digital Stories Language Arts, 17, 350-357.


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